breath: the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration; and or/ a momentary pause or rest Our yogees work on their breath in every class. ...

Downward Dog Days of Summer
It’s officially the dog days of summer… the hottest, most uncomfortable days of summer. I know this because of the many Facebook posts...

All I Needed to Know About Life, I Learned from Crow Pose
Bakasana (crow pose) I remember how scary this pose once was for me. The fear I had of falling flat on my face, hurting myself or just...

Get to it!
Get To It! One of the things I love about working with children is the ability to revisit important lessons I either missed as a kid, or...

What is this #mindfulness stuff?
“In today’s rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much — and forget about the joy of just being.” ~Eckhart Tolle It...