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The Food Game

We have posted a lot about what it means to live like a yogi... to be balanced and how a regular yoga practice on your own and with your family can lead to increased happiness, strength and flexibility. There is one key ingredient to being successful and well balanced yogi that has not been mentioned on this blog and that is FOOD. We all crave foods, whether they are healthy or not. Food is one important topic that is never going to go away. So how does food fit into a yogi conversation? It's all part of the need to be BALANCED.

Taylor Seideman, founder of yogees yoga 4 kids, always likes to say "everything in moderation," and she couldn't be more correct. Food is what gives us power, fuel and keeps us MOVING. Which foods we choose for ourselves and our families will determine overall health and even moods.

One full-time working mother of three, Shelly Gammieri, learned exactly how keeping a well balanced diet could keep her healthy and found that her foods became more than fuel, they became a lifestyle overhaul. She shares her inspiring journey as well as her yummy recipes on her blog: With a husband and three children to feed, she knew a diet change would affect them too and so has spent much time cultivating recipes that are both health conscious but yummy for the whole family, even those picky little ones!

From her blog:

"My name is Shelly Gammieri. (Ga - Merry). I work full-time, have three kids, and believe that people should eat food and take care of the earth. I believe that food should be WHOLE and not contain anything other than, FOOD. And, while there a million and one weight-loss success stories, you can add me to the list. I'm a real person, part of the 99%, with modest means and a busy life, and this is how I manage."

On Mondays Shelly's household goes meatless. See below for her yummy recipe for Homemade Mac N' Cheese!! See more at ! All ingredients are organic and local where possible!

8 oz 100% whole wheat pasta 1 T unsalted butter 2 shallots, peeled and smashed 2 T 100% whole wheat flour, divided 1 C whole milk 1/2 C heavy cream 2 C shredded cheese 1/4 t dijon mustard Olive oil and salt for serving, optional Boil pasta until al dente; drain. Grate 2 cups of cheese and toss lightly with 1 T of flour. We use organic, whole milk cheddar, but you can use whatever you want in any combination - have fun with it! In a medium saucepan, saute butter with shallots (sub garlic or onion or both if you like) over medium-low heat until shallot is tender . Wisk in 1 T flour until you have a light to golden brown roux. Continue to wisk, adding milk and cream over low heat just until simmering. (If you have your fancy pants on, you may call this bechamel). Keep wisking, now adding your cheese (french accent in your head: "Sacrebleu! now your sauce is a mornay"). A note about salt: you can salt as you go or to taste at the end. Cheese varies in saltiness, so just use your best judgement. When we do, we use sea salt or kosher salt. For the final touch, add in a little dijon - trust me, it's the secret ingredient. When your sauce is slightly thick, fold in your pasta. The Mac & Cheese will continue to thicken the longer you wait. You can remove the shallot, or just leave it -it tastes good! Transfer to a covered serving dish or individual bowls, drizzle with a little oil and salt, if desired, to eat it right away. RINSE YOUR PAN NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. Bon apetite!

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