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Taylor Gutow started yogees yoga 4 kids in 2006. She saw a need for kids to be involved in something just for "them" that didn't involve winners or losers. Taylor's vision was to produce and provide an environment for children where they could just "be." Taylor began teaching all around DFW and the response from parents and teachers was phenomenal. Her business began to grow.

Fast forward to July, 2012… Taylor held a yoga for kids certification class that Stephanie Spett attended. Once Stephanie was certified, it became evident that to reach even more children with the practice of yoga, Taylor needed a little help. Stephanie and Taylor worked together bringing each of their strengths to the program.

Another zoom forward to 2014... Heather Hopper took the Module 1 training with Taylor as a part of her 300 hr RYT program. Realizing that she was the addition needed to finish creating the yy4k 95-hour teacher training certification, she jumped on board in early 2015.  

Taylor and Heather continue to teach kids all over the metroplex as well as leading teacher trainings with their Yoga Alliance RCYS (registered children’s yoga school) nationwide!  #yy4k now has teachers in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, California, and New York!


yogees yoga 4 kids classes are popping up all over the Metroplex! Find a location and a time that is convenient for you and your child. Our classes are never too large and they are a great way to teach your kid the basics of yoga in a fun and engaging way that will keep your child's attention.


All of our classes are taught in a non-competitive, non-intimidating and friendly environment. Whether it's your child's first time or he/she is a seasoned yogi, let them experience yogees for themselves and see how quickly they fall in love with yoga!


We work with several schools to bring yogees to the classroom. Please contact Heather, our Director of Curriculum, to find out how to bring yy4k to your child's school!
New yogees classes are being added all the time, so please check back often for the most updated schedules.

© 2016 by yogees yoga 4 kids, llc. Proudly created with

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